It was a call to Console and Adore (Rev. Barnabas On the 5th of July, 1995, at about 3.00pm, the Agonizing Jesus Christ called and appealed to me in these words; “Barnabas console Me, adore my Precious Blood”. The voice was so gentle and pleading; I turned and could not see who was calling me. The voice continued, “Barnabas, console Me, adore My Precious Blood; I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ”. He kept silent for a moment. I noticed that there was a sudden calmness and quiet in the room in which I was. It seemed to me that there was no movement of any object in the world, that one could even hear the sound of a dropped pin. In this silent moment, I heard the voice of a choir, which sang the song of the Precious Blood and prayed in these words; “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; save us and the whole world”. In the end, the voice said, “I bless you My son”. Immediately the whole episode passed. On the 6th of July, 1995, I had the same encounter as the previous day. It was the same hour of 3.00pm. As I was looking at the crucifix hanging on the wall, suddenly, cloud came down and covered it. In the cloud, appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, bleeding. His Head was crowned with thorns. The Sacred Heart appeared at the position of His Heart, which issued Divine Rays. He kept silent for a while and then said: “Barnabas, I am Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary to save the world. I am the One Who laid my Body to be scourged that men might be free. I bore all the shame they deserved. With my Blood I purchased them, yet My people did not know me. I am still the One, Who is suffering the agony due to their sins. Barnabas, console Me, and adore My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who loves you much; have mercy on Me, I bless you, My son”. Immediately, the whole scene passed. During these two incidents, I was unable to utter a word while they lasted, but pondered in my heart what all that could mean. On 3rd day, that is, 7th of July 1995 and at the same hour, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared, with His Face bathed with Blood and calmly said “Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins. I called you to adore My Precious Blood. If you answer My Call of Love to adore My Precious Blood, I will choose you as My instrument to save you and your people, who will return to Me. Through My Precious Blood, I will renew the face of the earth. There shall be done on earth the Will of My Father as it is done in Heaven. Your eyes will see the Reign of Peace in the World”. He kept silent for a while. It was then that I answered, ‘Agonizing Jesus Christ, I am willing to do Your Will. I love You; I love You;…”As I said these words my heart melted and I wept with a heart full of sorrow. In the end, the Agonizing Jesus Christ said; “Remain in My Peace, I bless you, My son”. Then He varnished and the episode ended..
“Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins.
The Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a pious society in Holy Roman Catholic Church. We propagate the Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the world with the intention of achieving the wish of Christ returningall men and women to the Father as a way of promoting the dignity of human value and saving life. Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a new one in the Holy Catholic Church. It is as old as the first Holy Thursday when Jesus Christ instituted the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. The proclamation of the following words on the night before He suffered: “This is My Body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of Me…. This cup is God’s new covenant sealed with My Blood which is poured for you” (Lk. 22: 19-20) evoked from the Apostles a sublime religious fervour or reverence. Before then Jesus had performed great miracles but they saw the miracle of miracles in the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrifice of the Cross, the Sacrifice of the New Law, the most admirable Sacrament, the wondrous presence, and the abiding memorial of Christ’s Passion. Seeing Christ setting Himself before them as a sacrifice of reconciliation or salvation and as the food of eternal life in the most precious and wonderful banquet made them adore the wondrous presence with a faith beyond description. Since then it has always been so in the Holy Catholic Church and it will continue to be so until the Lord comes back in glory. That is the Lord’s command. We must continue to proclaim the Lord’s death until He returns. (cf. 1 Cor.11:26). Our apostolate engages in school and hospital mission.Our school, the Precious Blood International College started in 2012 and is ranking among the best College in the country attracting candidates from different parts of the country and beyond. Our school provides scholarship to children of poor families. Our hospital which started in 2016 provides health services to the poor and needy. We are also involved in the restoration of peace in broken human relationship. Through these means we respond to the demand of our Lord Jesus who in 1995 called us to console Him and adore His Precious Blood. We look forward to the total satisfaction of souls and the return of God’s kingdom among men. We see the face of Jesus in the needy, the thirsty, the hungry and the unloved and console Him. With our lives, we point the cross to all men; for there is no other sign given for the salvation of man than the sign of the cross. In this way, we attempt to lead many to behold the One pierced on the cross. This is the call to love the Love. This is adoration..
After the event of 7th of July, 1995, I narrated my experience to my sister Irene Magbo, who advised me to record the whole experience. This I did and the incidence stopped for the year. The memory of these incidents had almost gone when I had the fourth encounter on the 5th of July, 1996, at about 5.30am. On this day, the Agonizing Jesus Christ offered me the Chaplet of His Most Precious Blood with Its Litany. He said, “Barnabas, I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, console Me, adore My Precious Blood. Consecrate your life to My Precious Blood and make constant reparation for sins committed against My Blood. Take this” He then gave me the Chaplet and said: This is the Chaplet of My Blood. Pray it and make it known to the whole world”. I received it and said: “Adoration to Your Precious Blood” He continued by saying: “Through this Chaplet, I will renew the face of the earth and draw all men to acknowledge the Price of their Redemption. I will also renew the Church so that the Holy Sacrifice offered to me will remain pure and worthy before ascending to My Altar in Heaven. I promise to protect anyone who devotedly prays this Chaplet against evil attacks. I will guard his five senses. I will protect him from sudden death. 12 hours before his death, he will drink My Precious Blood and eat My Body. 24 hours before his death I will show him My Five Wounds that he may feel a deep contrition for all his sins and have a perfect knowledge of them. Any person who makes a novena with It will get his intentions; his prayer will be answered. I will perform many wonderful miracles through It. Through It, I will destroy many secrets societies and set free many souls in bondage by My Mercy. Through this Chaplet, I will save many souls from Purgatory. I will teach him My Way, he who honours My Precious Blood through this Chaplet. I will have mercy on those who have mercy on My Precious Blood and Wounds. Whoever teaches this prayer to another person will have an indulgence of 4 years. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who made these promises to My people who will embrace this Chaplet of My Precious Blood. Barnabas, if you carry out this Devotion faithfully, you will suffer many agonies with Me because the way is a desert way, so dry and rough. I will lead you and all men who answer My Call of Love, through this way to the Land of Promise.I promise again that I will renew the face of the earth through My little ones. Then, comes the Reign of My Glory, when all shall be one in Me”. Then I asked: “My Lord, people will not believe me and the Church will not welcome It. What shall I do to make It known to the world?” Our Lord replied: “Barnabas fear not about the spread of the Devotion. Only offer your life to Me. Be humble and obedient to the Church. I promise again that I will renew the face of the earth through My little ones. Then, comes the Reign of My Glory, when all shall be one in Me”. Then I asked: “My Lord, people will not believe me and the Church will not welcome It. What shall I do to make It known to the world?” Our Lord replied: “Barnabas fear not about the spread of the Devotion. Only offer your life to Me. Be humble and obedient to the Church. Surrender to every cross and offer it for My consolation, pray always and never give up. If you do, all who hear of this Devotion will look for It and all who see It will embrace It and spread It also. My Church will welcome It when the time comes. Barnabas the way is hard; it is a desert way. You will pass the hour of dryness and confusion. Some will complain on the way. Some will give up their faith. But I plead with you, My son; remain faithful and obedient to My Command. I promise to lead you to the Land of Promise. There, your joy will be complete”. Then I asked some questions on the Chaplet of the Precious Blood: “Lord may I ask why the small beads are twelve in number and the big beads are one at the end of each set of twelve beads and it is prayed one Our Father and one Hail Mary on It. If people ask me, what will I tell them? He answered: “My son, this Devotion had been in My Holy Church ever since My day of circumcision. My Mother was the first to adore My Precious Blood with her Penitential tears as She saw Her only Son bleeding for humanity. But you can see that this age has forgotten the Price of their Redemption. Today, I give you this Chaplet for you and for all men to adore My Precious Blood, the Price of their Redemption. Wake up this Devotion and hasten the Kingdom of My Glory on Earth. Barnabas, each small bead represents a tribe of Israel. As you recite the Chaplet, My Precious Blood will rain on the earth for the conversion of the whole Israel, I mean the whole world. Each time you pray one “Our Father” and one “Hail Mary” in every portion of the Chaplet, you honour the mystical Wounds, Pains and Precious Blood of the Agonizing and Sorrowful Hearts of the Son and His Mother. I assure you, many wounds shall be healed. I and My Mother will be consoled. The mercy of the Father will multiply; the Holy Spirit will rest upon you, My Precious Blood will flow to save. Know also, the red colour of the beads represent My Precious Blood and the white beads represent the Water that comes out from My Sacred Side, which washes away your sins. Remember that I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ Who loves you much. Receive My blessing; I bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”.
“Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins.
The Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is a pious society in Holy Roman Catholic Church. We propagate the Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the world with the intention of achieving the wish of Christ returningall men and women to the Father as a way of promoting the dignity of human value and saving life. Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is not a new one in the Holy Catholic Church. It is as old as the first Holy Thursday when Jesus Christ instituted the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. The proclamation of the following words on the night before He suffered: “This is My Body, which is given for you. Do this in memory of Me…. This cup is God’s new covenant sealed with My Blood which is poured for you” (Lk. 22: 19-20) evoked from the Apostles a sublime religious fervour or reverence. Before then Jesus had performed great miracles but they saw the miracle of miracles in the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrifice of the Cross, the Sacrifice of the New Law, the most admirable Sacrament, the wondrous presence, and the abiding memorial of Christ’s Passion. Seeing Christ setting Himself before them as a sacrifice of reconciliation or salvation and as the food of eternal life in the most precious and wonderful banquet made them adore the wondrous presence with a faith beyond description. Since then it has always been so in the Holy Catholic Church and it will continue to be so until the Lord comes back in glory. That is the Lord’s command. We must continue to proclaim the Lord’s death until He returns. (cf. 1 Cor.11:26). Our apostolate engages in school and hospital mission.Our school, the Precious Blood International College started in 2012 and is ranking among the best College in the country attracting candidates from different parts of the country and beyond. Our school provides scholarship to children of poor families. Our hospital which started in 2016 provides health services to the poor and needy. We are also involved in the restoration of peace in broken human relationship. Through these means we respond to the demand of our Lord Jesus who in 1995 called us to console Him and adore His Precious Blood. We look forward to the total satisfaction of souls and the return of God’s kingdom among men. We see the face of Jesus in the needy, the thirsty, the hungry and the unloved and console Him. With our lives, we point the cross to all men; for there is no other sign given for the salvation of man than the sign of the cross. In this way, we attempt to lead many to behold the One pierced on the cross. This is the call to love the Love. This is adoration..
The devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is not a new one in the Holy Roman Catholic Church. It is a devotion that is as old as the first Holy Thursday when Jesus Christ instituted the Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist. The Church at all ages continues in this mission as she celebrates the Holy Eucharist in obedience to the Lord’s command; “Do this in memory of Me”. Devotion to the Holy Eucharist in different chapels all over the world is also devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Most certainly too, one cannot talk of a living body (flesh) divorced of blood.
“Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins.
On the 5th of July, 1995, at about 3.00pm, the Agonizing Jesus Christ called and appealed to me in these words; “Barnabas console Me, adore my Precious Blood”. The voice was so gentle and pleading; I turned and could not see who was calling me. The voice continued, “Barnabas, console Me, adore My Precious Blood; I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ”. He kept silent for a moment. I noticed that there was a sudden calmness and quiet in the room in which I was. It seemed to me that there was no movement of any object in the world, that one could even hear the sound of a dropped pin. In this silent moment, I heard the voice of a choir, which sang the song of the Precious Blood and prayed in these words; “Precious Blood of Jesus Christ; save us and the whole world”. In the end, the voice said, “I bless you My son”. Immediately the whole episode passed. On the 6th of July, 1995, I had the same encounter as the previous day. It was the same hour of 3.00pm. As I was looking at the crucifix hanging on the wall, suddenly, cloud came down and covered it. In the cloud, appeared the Agonizing Jesus Christ hanging on the cross, bleeding. His Head was crowned with thorns. The Sacred Heart appeared at the position of His Heart, which issued Divine Rays. He kept silent for a while and then said: “Barnabas, I am Jesus Christ who died on the Cross of Calvary to save the world. I am the One Who laid my Body to be scourged that men might be free. I bore all the shame they deserved. With my Blood I purchased them, yet My people did not know me. I am still the One, Who is suffering the agony due to their sins. Barnabas, console Me, and adore My Precious Blood. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who loves you much; have mercy on Me, I bless you, My son”. Immediately, the whole scene passed. During these two incidents, I was unable to utter a word while they lasted, but pondered in my heart what all that could mean. On 3rd day, that is, 7th of July 1995 and at the same hour, the Agonizing Jesus Christ appeared, with His Face bathed with Blood and calmly said “Barnabas why is it that you cannot answer My Appeal of Love? Have mercy on Me. I am the Agonizing Jesus Christ, Who you and the world crucify every second and minute of the day with your sins. I called you to adore My Precious Blood. If you answer My Call of Love to adore My Precious Blood, I will choose you as My instrument to save you and your people, who will return to Me. Through My Precious Blood, I will renew the face of the earth. There shall be done on earth the Will of My Father as it is done in Heaven. Your eyes will see the Reign of Peace in the World”. He kept silent for a while. It was then that I answered, ‘Agonizing Jesus Christ, I am willing to do Your Will. I love You; I love You;…”As I said these words my heart melted and I wept with a heart full of sorrow. In the end, the Agonizing Jesus Christ said; “Remain in My Peace, I bless you, My son”. Then He varnished and the episode