
We propagate the Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ in the world with the intention of achieving the wish of Christ returningall men and women to the Father as a way of promoting the dignity of human value and saving life.


That all men may come to adore the Most Precious Blood of Jesus christ and hasten the glorious reign on earth.

School Apostolate

At the heart of our mission is the school apostolate where we carry out the mission of catching the young minds for the Lord. Our school apostolate is known for the following:

  • Its Excellence in Academic
  • Its Sound Moral Formation
  • And concrete Spirituality
  • Contact School Admin MyAdmin@Pbic.com

Hospital Apostolate

As part of our mission, we console Jesus in those who are sick in our noble care for them and brotherly treatment.

Farm Apostolate

The apostolate is also involved in production of many products like, rice, bread bakery, pure water factory, poultry farm etc.

Preaching/living the Cross

We live the spirituality of the Cross. Our gazes are centered on the One who is pierced on the Cross. We see in Him the need to carry our own crosses every day of our lives in imitation of Him. We equally assist in carrying all the rejected crosses the world had abandoned. We see these crosses as petals of the rose of perfect purity scattered all over the world. We do these by surrendering to every crosses; seeing them as coming from God.

Making Reparations For Our Sins & All

The love for souls is at the prime of our apostolic spirit. We willingly offer our lives in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. With Christ, we willingly carry our daily crosses and also assist in carrying the rejected crosses.

Making Reparations For Our Sins & All

The love for souls is at the prime of our apostolic spirit. We willingly offer our lives in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. With Christ, we willingly carry our daily crosses and also assist in carrying the rejected crosses.


The Apostolate has evolved and spread to more than 150 countries of the world

Most Rev. Ayo-Maria Atoyebi

Spiritul Director

I have said and I am still saying that the Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is authentic in that it does not contradict any Canonical rules of the Church and any dogma of the Church.

Most Rev. Dr. Michael Bibi

Catholic Diocese of Burea, Cameroon

Devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ is centered on the cross. On the cross, we look onto Christ, who died for us, and we strive to imitate His footsteps by contemplating Him in a very special way in the Holy Eucharist.

Rev. Fr. Amakor SHL

Formator/Chaplain HolyLand

And I must tell you here that in this devotion God has finally decided to rescue the world and redirect protesting humanity back to Himself through Traditional Spirituality of Catholic Church preserved in the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.