Welcome to the official site of the Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ - Olo, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria Headquarters.

APB-OLO Nigeria

And when I see the blood, I will pass over you (Exodus 12:13-28). and will not allow the destroyer to slay you. You must celebrate this day as a religious festival to remind you of what I, the LORD, have done (Exodus 12:13-28).

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The love for souls is at the prime of our apostolic spirit. We willingly offer our lives in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. With Christ, we willingly carry our daily crosses and also assist in carrying the rejected crosses.

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Our Gallery

Take a look at some of our interesting events around the year and be in the know of our activities.

September Reparation

Mosigneur Enem leading at the celebration of the Holy Mass in the Holy Land of Adoration on one of the September Reparation.

Our Lady's Grotto Dedication

His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. C.V.C Onaga, Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese at the dedication of the giant Rosa Mystica Statue at the Garden of Flower of Our Lady in Holy Land.

Cross-Section of Bishops, Priest & Religious

Cross-Section of Bishops, Monsigneu, Priest, Seminarians and religious sisters at the Dedication of Our Lady's Grotto at the Garden of Flower in Holy Land of Adoration'

Dedication of the Underground Chapel

His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Ayo-maria Atoyebi, the spiritual director of the apostolate lay prostrate with priests and other religious after the dedication of the underground chapel in HolyLand in adoration to Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist.

Our Events

Our programmes around the year

September Reparation

September is the month set aside by heaven in a special way for the world to do Reparation for the sins committed against God Almighty, and against the Most Precious Blood of His only begotten son, which we treat with contempt and ingratitude. We are called to do reparation for the damages our sins have caused and plead for God's Divine mercy on us and on the world at large with a firm purpose of amending our lives for the better. '

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Third Friday Reparation

The Third Firday devotion is another important request of heaven in the Apostolate of the Precious Blood. That day has been chosen by heaven for general reparation for the sins committed against God. It is the day of great opportunity offered to world to be freed from the consequences of sin through the merit of the Precious Blood, the highest means of atonement for sins.

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July Anniversary

On this day we mark the great call and birthday of this devotion with beautiful celebrations.

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A yearly programme of the apostolate where together with the Church we await the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the upper room with prayers, hymns and reflections to prepare our hearts for the Holy Spirit.

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Rose Training

This is a training for all those who are preparing to receive the Rose of Perfect Purity, a gift from our Lord to all those who desire perfection and purity to practice. Check Blog page to see update on the date

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Youth Retreat

The apostolate specially organizes a retreat for the youth every year so as to draw young boys and girls also to the Lord.

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Our Projects

Ongoing projects in Holy Land of Adoration

Ongoin Project

Chapel of St. Joseph

Ongoing Project

Garden of Scourging

Ongoing Project

Stations of the Cross


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The central message of the call of the reawaking of the devotion to the Most Precious Blood began with the appeal of consolation and adoration. The person of Jesus calling is the Agonizing Jesus Christ. The message reveals that the Agonizing Jesus Christ is the same Christ who came into the world through the womb of Virgin Mary, lived like us in everything except in sin, suffered and died and on the third day, He rose again. And now, He is at the right hand of God the Father. He reigns with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever.

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  • "Could you not watch with me for one hour?" asked Jesus to his apostle; keep watch and pray that you will not fall into temptation" (Mark 14:38). This was an appeal of a man in agony because of the sins of the world. The weight of our sins is weighing him down. He needs the support of his people. He wants them to pray for themselves as well because of the perilious times they are living in through. He wants them to be at alert. Today, throgh the devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, Jesus is calling us again to enter Gethsemane with him. This appeal is so urgent for all men because we are living in the hour of darkness, when only grace is the hope of our survival. Let us hear some of these appeals and hasten our steps to answer this call."

  • The call of the seal invites us to live in the presence of God who dwells in the tabernacle of our very soul. It is an act of renewal of our baptismal vows. The devotees are encouraged to appreciate the sacrament of reconciliation by weekly or monthly confessing their sin as an act of keeping their seal. The call of remaining in the grace of God is the goal of the great seal of God.

    As devotion Jesus Christ set out every Friday of the year beginning from the hour of 12 noon to 3:00pm as special hours of seal. This does not show that every other days and hours are not the days and hours of seal. However, these hours of 12 noon to 3:00pm should call to mind the three hours that Jesus hung on the cross. These hours are hours of mercy. Jesus promised from the messages of the Precious Blood taht all who pause at these hours and meditate on His passion and death will obtain mercy from God. He will renew their hearts with love. This love promised by Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Hence the Holy Spirit is the seal of the living God in the soul of man. Contrary to this state of grace is the absence of the Holy Spirit. Pride which is designated by the seal of Satan, 666 will take over the life of such unfortunate being.

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Our Blog

Always be in the know of our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly programmes by visiting our blogs

Bishop Onaga gave canonical recognition to the Apostolate of the Most Precious Blood in its Diocese of Origin - Enugu

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The final profession of the Little Lilies of Christ Sisters

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4th International Conference of the Apostolate

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